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2024 국회직 8급 영어 해설 장필립 (2024-05-22 / 495.3KB / 231회)


 2024년도 8급 공개경쟁채용시험 영 어 책형 가 - 1 - 영 어 1. Choose the one that is closest in meaning to the underlined word. Few people would think that the humble drinks can was anything special. But to a materials engineer, it is high technology. Look at the requirements. As far as possible we want to avoid seams. The can must not leak, should use as little metal as possible, and be recyclable. We have to choose a metal that is ductile to the point that it can be drawn into a single-piece can body from one small slug of metal. It must not corrode in beer or coke and, of course, it must be nontoxic. And it must be light and must cost almost nothing. ① brittle ② plausible ③ pliable ④ seductive ⑤ rigid 2. Which of the following best fits in the blank? If you do not know a language, the words (and sentences) of that language will be mainly incomprehensible, because the relationship between speech sounds and the meanings they represent is generally . When you are acquiring a language, you have to learn that the sounds represented by the letter house signify the concept “house”; if you know French, this same meaning is represented by maison; if you know Russian, by dom; if you know Spanish, by casa. The same sequence of sounds can represent different meanings in different languages. For example, the word bolna means “speak” in Hindi-Urdu and “aching” in Russian. ① iconic ② arbitrary ③ logical ④ systematic ⑤ predictable 3. Which of the following is NOT grammatically correct? Gender-variable differentiation is ①reflected in the relative frequency ②with which men and women use the same lexical items or ③other linguistic features. If, as is often asserted, female English speakers use words such as lovely and nice more often than ④are male speakers, we can claim that in this respect English speakers ⑤clearly exhibit gender-variable differentiation. 4. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? Life in the big city has always had its drawbacks. Compared to small towns and rural communities, huge metropolitan areas like Los Angeles and New York are typically plagued by higher crime rates, more pollution, and high costs of living. But another major problem ― traffic-choked highways ― is quickly rising to the top of the list for many major cities. With drivers in some large cities now spending the equivalent of more than two workweeks per year stuck in traffic, gridlock is starting to stunt economic growth as businesses and young professionals choose not to move to metropolitan areas with chronically congested roads. To combat this problem, many political and business leaders are advocating the widening of existing highways into “superhighways” of nine or more lanes in each direction. Phoenix, Arizona, for example, plans to expand a 12-mile stretch of interstate 10 from 14 lanes to an average of 22 lanes. Atlanta, George, may widen a stretch of interstate 75 to 23 lanes. Both Houston, Texas, and Washington D.C., also hope to bring segments of their highways up to 18 lanes or more. Building bigger roads, they hope, will end bottlenecks, allowing the ever-growing number of vehicles to move freely and keeping the area economically competitive. ① Enormous metropolitan areas often suffer from more crime rates, greater pollution levels, and high costs of living. ② Traffic congestion is becoming a major issue in big cities. ③ The economic growth is being promoted by gridlock as businesses and young professionals opt against relocating to urban areas with persistently trafficated roads. ④ Numerous political and business leaders are promoting the expansion of current highways into “superhighways” with nine or more lanes in each direction. ⑤ Constructing larger roads is expected to help reduce traffic congestion. 2024년도 8급 공개경쟁채용시험 영 어 책형 가 - 2 - 5. Which of the following best fits in the blank? People in all countries and in all walks of life have gossiped for centuries. Psychologists have studied both the positive and negative impacts of this form of human communication. According to some researchers, gossip reinforces moral boundaries in a community. Gossip can also foster a sense of belonging to a certain group. However, gossip has many negative effects as well. Gossip can be used as a tool to isolate and ostracize people. When singled out and embarrassed by harmful rumors, individuals become depressed and lonely. Despite gossip’s negative effect, it remains to be ubiquitous. Gossip exists in the workplace, in school, and in social groups. Seemingly, gossip will never go away. You must . You must refuse to participate in such damaging communication. Try to re-direct the conversation in a way that focuses on something positive. ① do your best to rise above it ② take a more proactive role in disseminating it ③ identify the sources and motives of the rumors ④ utterly disregard its presence ⑤ create rumors to offset the negative ones 6. Which of the following is NOT grammatically correct? AI may ①enable achieving educational priorities in better ways, at scale, and with lower costs. Addressing varied unfinished learning of students due to the pandemic is a policy priority, and AI may improve the adaptivity ②of learning resources to students’ strengths and needs. Improving teaching jobs is a priority, and via ③automated assistants or other tools, AI may provide teachers greater support. AI may also enable teachers to extend the support they ④offer individual students when they run out of time. Developing resources that are responsive to the knowledge and experiences students bring to their learning is a priority, and AI may enable greater customizability of curricular resources to meet local needs. ⑤As seen in voice assistants, mapping tools, shopping recommendations, essay-writing capabilities, and other familiar applications, AI may enhance educational services. 7. Which of the following is the most appropriate title of the passage? Artists themselves have no role in the interpretation of art, while scientists are the only consumers with sufficient observational skill to provide science’s organized skepticism. The interpretation of art can be manifold and the artist’s intention can be to provoke a multitude of interpretations ― sometimes, the more interpretations the better. The scientist, on the other hand, must aspire to convey only one possible interpretation ― the correct interpretation. What follows from this is that clarity is an imperative in science in a way that it is not in other cultural endeavors. Where multiple interpretations are encouraged, obscurity can be a virtue but where the aspiration is to produce only one interpretation, clarity is to be preferred. Obscurity is also privacy, and privacy is an obstacle to organized skepticism. It follows, from the fact that observation and skepticism are virtues in the pursuit of knowledge about the natural world, that clarity is also a virtue. There is an irony here, since science should seek maximum clarity and accessibility even while acknowledging that the only proper assessors of a scientific claim are small elites, while artists often seek obscurity or multiple interpretations even while accepting that the proper assessors are the public. ① How Scientists Analyze Art with Clear Perspectives ② Scientific Analysis of Artistic Ambiguity ③ How Scientists Create Artistic Interpretations ④ Importance of Precision in Art and Science ⑤ How Art and Science Interpret Clarity and Obscurity 8. Which of the following best fits in the blank? The US has one of the highest prisoner rates in the world: over 70% of incarcerated people who are released from prison in the US will be rearrested within five years of their release date. That is not an accident. Our system of mass incarceration sets people up to fail as they leave the prison system and try to reintegrate into society. ① racism ② recidivism ③ reincarnation ④ jailbreak ⑤ release 2024년도 8급 공개경쟁채용시험 영 어 책형 가 - 3 - 9. Which of the following is the most logical sequence to complete the passage? All of the gasoline now pumped into automobile and airplane tanks began as crude oil formed millions of years ago beneath ocean floors. (A) This crude oil, lighter than both water and rock, drifted upward through microscopic spaces in the rock until it was stopped by a layer of dense, impermeable rock and forced to collect. Today, oil companies drill down into these reservoirs to extract this energy-rich petroleum: sent it to oil refineries, and convert it into fuel for vehicles. (B) In ancient seas, when tiny aquatic plants and animals died, they sank to the bottom. Sand and mud settled over them. This process was repeated over and over again, each time burying large quantities of organic material and pushing it deeper and deeper into the earth as new layers accumulated on top. (C) The heavy weight of the sediment created pressure and temperatures above 150˚ Fahrenheit, and the subterranean organic matter began to “cook.” Over time, the heat transformed it into a liquid hydrogen and carbon substance. ① (A) - (B) - (C) ② (B) - (A) - (C) ③ (B) - (C) - (A) ④ (C) - (A) - (B) ⑤ (C) - (B) - (A) 10. Which of the following best fits in the blank? Suppose that we have an issue where the majority favors one policy, but the minority, which favors a different policy, cares much more strongly about it than the majority. Cases of this kind occur quite often. The fox-hunting debate may be a good example. Most people hold fairly negative views about fox-hunting, even if they do not hold strong moral views about the rights of animals. They see it as an archaic, snobbish, and generally distasteful spectacle; given the chance, they would vote to ban it. The fox-hunters themselves are a small minority, but they mostly feel very strongly that they should be allowed to continue hunting. It is an important social event in many rural communities, and people’s livelihoods depend on it. A political judgement about fox-hunting ought to consider not only the number of preferences on either side, but also the strength of those preferences. It does not seem right that a lukewarm majority should in all cases a passionate minority. ① deceive ② respect ③ follow ④ protect ⑤ override 11. Which of the following is NOT used appropriately in the context? Equality is recognizing that, as human beings, we all have the same value. This means we all have the same rights, we should all receive the same level of respect, and we have the same access to opportunities. Equity, however, is about everyone achieving equal ①outcomes. We all have the same value and deserve a good life, but we all start from a ②different place. We experience the world in our own unique way. It is because of these differences that we sometimes need to be treated ③differently for us all to live equally. Equality, for example, would be giving everyone the ④different type of ladder to pick mangoes at the top of a tree. ⑤Equity would be realizing that not everyone can use the same type of ladder and providing another way for them to reach the mangoes at the top of the tree. 2024년도 8급 공개경쟁채용시험 영 어 책형 가 - 4 - 12. Which of the following best fits in the blank? Serious problems arise for utilitarianism when we remind ourselves that it enjoins us to bring about the best consequences. What does this mean? It doesn’t mean the best consequences for me alone, or for my family or friends, or any other person taken individually. No, what we must do is, roughly, as follows: we must add up the separate satisfactions and frustrations of everyone likely to be affected by our choice, the satisfactions in one column, the frustrations in the other. We must total each column for each of the options before us. That is what it means to say the theory is . And then we must choose that option which is most likely to bring about the best balance of totaled satisfactions over totaled frustrations. Whatever act would lead to this outcome is the one we ought morally to perform ― it is where our moral duty lies. And that act quite clearly might not be the same one that would bring about the best results for me personally, or for my family or friends, or for a lab animal. ① aggregative ② optimistic ③ ideal ④ individual specific ⑤ realistic 13. Which of the following is the most appropriate title of the passage? More recently, some political philosophers have claimed that when we take part in elections, we agree to comply with the government that emerges and the laws it enacts. This looks more promising: we do at least have a free choice as to whether to vote or not, and there would be no point in holding elections unless people recognized the government that emerged as legitimate. But unfortunately there still seems to be a gap between voting and registering your consent. What if you deeply disagree with both parties, but vote because you think that one is slightly less bad than the other? Or what if you think that although you have in a sense consented to the overall package of policies that the winning party has announced in its manifesto, there are a few items that you find quite repugnant ― and you had no chance to vote on these individually? Perhaps the voters’ consent can help explain why governments have legitimate authority, but not why individual citizens have an obligation to obey the law. ① The Reason Why Elections Work ② Discordance between Voting and Voter Consent ③ Inaccuracies in Policies the Government Makes ④ The Perfect Alignment of Consent and Obligation ⑤ The Nexus of Policies and Government Legitimacy 14. Which of the following best fits in the blank? Because adult stem cells can be obtained directly from the body of a willing donor, research with these cells has raised few ethical questions to date. This is not the case with embryonic stem cells, which are generally obtained from very early embryos. Most techniques for harvesting embryonic stem cells cause the destruction of an embryo. For this reason, individuals who regard the embryo as entitled to the rights and protections of any human being object to such work. This concern has made government funding of embryonic stem cell research an important political issue. Groups seeking to protect embryos oppose such research as unethical. Other groups support such research as essential for saving human lives and argue that it would be unethical to restrict research. It is possible, however, that in the not-too-distant future, both ethical concerns will be . Some recent experiments have suggested that there may be ways to extract a small number of stem cells from an early embryo without damaging the embryo itself. Other experiments have shown that it is possible to switch “on” a small number of genes that reprogram adult cells to look and function like pluripotent embryonic stem cells. Such a technique would do away with the need to involve embryos at all. It also might make it possible to tailor specific therapies to the needs of each individual patient. Approaches like these, if successful, might allow potentially lifesaving research to go forward while avoiding any destruction of embryonic life. ① repeated due to technology advancement ② solved with the advent of new stem cell regulations ③ clarified with more experiments ④ made more serious by new research skills ⑤ addressed with a technological solution 2024년도 8급 공개경쟁채용시험 영 어 책형 가 - 5 - 15. Which of the following is NOT used appropriately in the context? We have developed our techniques for probabilistic reasoning in the context of static worlds, in which each random ①variable has a single fixed value. For example, when repairing a car, we assume that whatever is broken remains broken during the process of diagnosis; our job is to infer the state of the car from observed evidence, which also remains ②fixed. Now consider a slightly different problem: treating a diabetic patient. As in the case of car repair, we have evidence such as recent insulin doses, food intake, blood sugar measurements, and other ③physical signs. The task is to assess the current state of the patient, including the actual blood sugar level and insulin level. Given this information, we can make a decision about the patient’s food intake and insulin dose. Unlike the case of car repair, here the ④static aspects of the problem are essential. Blood sugar levels and measurements thereof can ⑤change rapidly over time, depending on recent food intake and insulin doses, metabolic activity, the time of day, and so on. To assess the current state from the history of evidence and to predict the outcomes of treatment actions, we must model these changes. 16. Which of the following best fits in the blank? The way people think about problems varies greatly. Everyone is unique, but psychologists believe there are 5 different kinds of problem-solvers in the world: questioners, ideators, diggers, doers, and reasoners. As for reasoners, they are the people who like to keep things simple. When they deal with a complex problem, they prefer to focus on the most important elements. They don’t want to worry about small details, which means they solve problems more quickly than other people. Also, for reasoners, the “best” solution is the solution that they came up with. Unfortunately, they also have a hard time listening to other people’s ideas. As a result, people sometimes assume that they can be seen as . ① solicitous ② conceited ③ accommodative ④ sluggish ⑤ sanguine 17. Which of the following best fits in the blanks (A), (B), and (C)? Many of features which characterize the turn-taking system of conversation are invested with meaning by their users. Even within a broadly defined community of speakers, there is often sufficient (A) to cause misunderstanding. For example, some individuals expect that participation in a conversation will be very active, that speaking rate will be relatively fast, with almost no pausing between turns, and with some overlap or even completion of the other’s turn. This is one conversational style. It has been called a high involvement style. It differs (B) from another style in which speakers use a slower rate, expect longer pauses between turns, do not overlap, and avoid interruption or completion of the other’s turn. This non-interrupting, non-imposing style has been called a high considerateness style. When a speaker who typically uses the first style gets into a conversation with a speaker who normally uses the second style, the talk tends to become one-sided. The active participation style will tend to overwhelm the other style. Neither speaker will necessarily recognize that it is the conversational styles that are slightly different. Instead, the more rapid-fire speaker may think the slower-paced speaker just does not have much to say, is shy, and perhaps boring or even stupid. In return he or she is likely to be viewed as noisy, pushy, domineering, selfish, and even tiresome. Features of conversational style will often be interpreted as (C) . (A) (B) (C) ① inconsistency minimally individual characteristics ② difficulty fundamentally emotional attributes ③ confusion superficially cultural properties ④ resemblance basically personal experiences ⑤ variation substantially personality traits 18. Which of the following is NOT grammatically correct? The sun consists of a plasma ― a material that is not a gas, a liquid, or a solid. Instead, a plasma is made up of charged particles, ①which make them a powerful conductor of electricity. In addition to these strong electronic fields, the sun ②is also packed with magnetic fields. Magnetic field lines wrap around the sun ③like an enormous birdcage. The sun’s magnetism powers a “solar wind” ④that flings one million tons of plasma outward every second ― plasma that travels at one million miles per hour. Sometimes this event can create powerful plasma explosions called solar flares, which release ⑤the energy equivalent of hundreds of millions of megatons of dynamite. When this energy heads toward Earth, we feel the effects of a solar storm. 2024년도 8급 공개경쟁채용시험 영 어 책형 가 - 6 - 19. Which of the following is the most logical sequence to complete the passage? At a young age, we begin to make decisions about how we look, who we hang out with, and how we spend our time. In making these choices, we may either be trying to fit in or to belong. (A) Fitting in involves changing ourselves to match situations, such as wearing the right clothes, playing the most popular sport, or hanging out with the “best” social groups; however, it may cause feelings of anxiety or loneliness. (B) In addition, young people who feel pressured to fit in in ways that aren’t healthy to their overall identities may end up participating in unhealthy relationships or going along with the crowd. (C) Belonging is something else. It is letting ourselves be seen and known as we really are ― being our true or authentic selves. It is wearing clothing that makes us feel good or that allows us to show our uniqueness to people we can be our authentic selves with. (D) It is easier in the sense that it doesn’t require going against the norm. However, it is shame-based and implies to young people that they are not good enough. As we strive to conform to the expectations of others, we lose the sense of belonging to our real selves. But it doesn’t come easy. Being different can make us feel vulnerable ― exposed to emotional uncertainty and risk. But it is this same vulnerability that becomes the foundation on which courage is built. ① (A) - (B) - (C) - (D) ② (A) - (D) - (B) - (C) ③ (B) - (A) - (D) - (C) ④ (C) - (A) - (D) - (B) ⑤ (C) - (D) - (B) - (A) 20. Which of the following is the most appropriate title of the passage? People usually associate innovation with technology and products when, in fact, there are many significant process and service innovations that we experience every day. This mistaken belief takes its roots in the fact that the production processes are invisible to the end-users; similarly, services are intangible. As a result, less attention is drawn to them. Identifying how something can be produced more efficiently, in greater quantities or at a lesser cost, certainly involves considerable ingenuity and will undoubtably create genuine value. Also, since our economies are increasingly service-oriented, there are many opportunities to create value by imagining better ways of providing them. Thus, processes and services are important to keep in mind when looking for ways to innovate. In addition, with the advent of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) and subscription-based computing models, functionalities that were previously provided as products are now moving into the realm of services. ① Ignoring Process and Service Innovations ② Focusing Solely on Technological Innovation ③ Beyond Products: Embracing Process and Service Innovations ④ Omitting Process and Service Innovation Significance ⑤ Innovation Limited to Technology and Product 21. Which of the following is NOT grammatically correct? No matter ①what it looks like on television crime shows, posting bail after an arrest is no simple matter. When a suspect is arrested, he or she is first taken to a police station to be processed. The police officer in charge then records the suspect’s personal information (name, address, birthday, appearance) along with information about the ②alleged crime. Next, the officer conducts a criminal background check, takes the suspect’s fingerprints and mug shots, confiscates any personal property (to be returned later), and ③places the suspect in a jail cell. For less serious crimes, suspects may be allowed to post bail immediately after ④booking. For more serious crimes, suspects have to wait sometimes as long as two days, for a bail hearing, at which point a judge will determine if the accused is eligible for bail and at what cost. The amount of bail ⑤depends on the severity of the crime. 2024년도 8급 공개경쟁채용시험 영 어 책형 가 - 7 - 22. Which of the following is the most appropriate main idea? Bruce Friedman, who blogs regularly about the use of computers in medicine, also has described how the Internet has altered his mental habits, “I now have almost totally lost the ability to read and absorb a longish article on the web or in print,” he wrote earlier this year. A pathologist who has long been on the faculty of the University of Michigan Medical School, Friedman elaborated on his comment in a telephone conversation with me. His thinking, he said, has taken on a “staccato” quality, reflecting the way he quickly scans short passages of text from many sources online. “I can’t read War and Peace anymore,” he admitted. “I’ve lost the ability to do that. Even a blog post of more than three or four paragraphs is too much to absorb. I skim it.” The anecdotes alone don’t prove much. And we still await the long-term neurological and psychological experiments that will provide a definitive picture of how Internet use affects cognition. But a recently published study of online research habits, conducted by scholars from University College London, suggests that we may well be in the midst of a sea change in the way we read and think. As part of the five-year research program, the scholars examined computer logs documenting the behavior of visitors to two popular research sites, one operated by the British Library and one by a U.K. educational consortium, that provide access to journal articles, e-books, and other sources of written information. They found that people using the sites exhibited “a form of skimming activity,” hopping from one source to another and rarely returning to any source they’d already visited. They typically read no more than one or two pages of an article or book before they would “bounce” out to another site. Sometimes they’d save a long article, but there’s no evidence that they ever went back and actually read it. ① There is an increasing number of people who skim and quickly jump between sources without deeply engaging with the content. ② In-depth studies on the long-term effects of internet use on cognition will provide conclusive evidence on how it impacts only our thinking processes. ③ People tend to thoroughly scan through brief excerpts of text from various online sources. ④ Although individuals might bookmark or save lengthy articles, there is no evidence to suggest that they revisit and read them later. ⑤ People are experiencing a transformative change in the way they read and think due to their online research habits, skimming and quickly jumping between sources. 23. Where does the given sentence best fit in the passage? Morphology of plants also may be influenced by UV. The most destructive effect of UV radiation on plants involves damage to DNA that results in mutations. Physiological effects also can occur, such as reductions in biomass production and non-stomatal aspects of photosynthesis. The damage to DNA and photosynthesis caused by UV radiation can be partially repaired by plants during both the day and the night. (A) Studies have been conducted with a specific cultivar of rice that is more UV-sensitive in that it exhibits greater growth inhibition and leaf browning than another cultivar of rice when subjected to UV-B radiation. (B) The UV-sensitive cultivar was deficient in both photo-repair during the day and excision repair of DNA during the night compared with the UV-tolerant cultivar. (C) Orange trees growing at very high altitudes in the Andes Mountains near Quito in Ecuador have a more branched appearance than the same scion growing at low elevations in a Mediterranean climatic zone at Riverside, California. (D) The effect was eliminated by installing UV-absorbing screens above the orange trees, indicating the excessive branching may be due to an effect of the high UV in the Andes on the meristems of the branches. (E) Protection against high UV may occur in plants by epidermal cells or leaf hairs that contain phenolic compounds. ① (A) ② (B) ③ (C) ④ (D) ⑤ (E) 2024년도 8급 공개경쟁채용시험 영 어 책형 가 - 8 - 24. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage? Over the years, countless numbers of men and women have paid large sums of money for a treatment commonly known as cell therapy. Their reason was simple: They believed lamb-cell injections could help them maintain their youth. Such people apparently don’t know that animal cells, when injected into the human body, are destroyed by the immune system. Others in a similar pursuit of youth have tried chelation therapy, which is supposed to pull heavy metals like lead and mercury from the body. Proponents claim that the treatments improve cell function, inhibit the aging process, and prevent heart disease, all by eliminating poison from the body, yet research shows no such effect. In fact, critics question the idea of there being poisons in the body to begin with, suggesting that the therapy has nothing to treat. Other seekers of the fountain of youth use Human Growth Hormone (HGH) tablets or sprays. These sprays and tablets can allegedly accomplish everything from eliminating wrinkles to improving memory and concentration. Yet such treatments have no research backing up these claims. There is, however, evidence that HGH in any form may produce side effects like an increased risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease. ① Therapies designed to keep people young are generally ineffective. ② It is better to rely on cell therapy more than chelation therapy. ③ HGH tablets are appealing to seekers of youth because of their fewer side effects. ④ Therapies for staying younger should be available for everyone, not just for those rich enough to afford them. ⑤ Treatments designed to help people maintain youth invariably do more harm than good. 25. Which of the following is true according to the passage? It’s accepted wisdom that oil and water don’t mix. The water and oil molecules have distinct chemical properties that don’t interact well together. You may have seen this if you've attempted to make a salad dressing by shaking together oil and vinegar (which is mostly water), which gives a temporary suspension that quickly separates. There is a large energy cost to breaking apart and mixing the water and oil layers. The secret to blending them together is to add an extra ingredient known as a “surfactant” or emulsifier. The name surfactant is derived from “surface active.” It highlights that these molecules work at the surface or interface to bridge the interactions between oil and water. This is similar to how detergents are able to remove grease from your dishes. Many vinaigrette recipes call for emulsifiers without specifically mentioning their crucial emulsifying role. Key examples are mustard and garlic, which contain “mucilage” ― a mix of carbohydrates ― that can act as emulsifiers. So if your vinegar/oil salad dressings are separating, make sure you’re adding enough of these ingredients (which also contain wonderful flavor chemicals). Commercial salad dressings also contain naturally sourced emulsifying carbohydrates. These will often be listed on the ingredients as generic “vegetable gum” or similar, and you may need to read the label and delve a little deeper into the food additive number to find out the source. Researchers have raised questions about synthetic emulsifiers used in processed food, as studies in mice suggest they have health risks. It’s too early to say exactly what this means for humans. ① Water and oil molecules have identical chemical properties. ② Shaking is an essential method for the formation of permanent mixing of oil and vinegar. ③ Mustard and garlic contain molecules that act as a bridge between oil and water. ④ Salad dressings on the market only contain artificial food additives. ⑤ The effects of chemical additives on the human body have been verified.






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    어떤 글 보고 써보는 건데요. 관계대명사와 선행사가 가까워야 문장이 더 명료해진다고 해서 기존의 offer individual students the support를 3형식으로 고쳐서 offer the support to individual students라고 쓴 게 아닐까 생각해봅니다. 저도 님 생각이 틀렸다라고 보기에는 애매한데요. 출제자는 아마도 이런 생각을 하면서 낸 게 아닌 가 싶습니다. 참고로 위 출처 내용을 보고 댓글 달았습니다. https://english-mint.tistory.com/entry/4%ED%98%95%EC%8B%9D%EC%9D%B4%EB%9E%80-%EA%B0%9C%EB%85%90%EC%9E%A1%EA%B8%B0
정렬  > 
  1. 2024 회계사 경영학 문제 정답

    회계사 기출이 7시간 전 조회수 5 new
  2. 2024 회계사 경제원론 문제 정답

    회계사 기출이 7시간 전 조회수 3 new
  3. 2024 회계사 상법 문제 정답

    회계사 기출이 7시간 전 조회수 5 new
  4. 2024 회계사 세법 문제 정답

    회계사 기출이 7시간 전 조회수 6 new
  5. 2024 회계사 회계학 문제 정답

    회계사 기출이 7시간 전 조회수 8 new
  6. 2024 법원직 5급 승진시험 민사법 문제 정답

    법원직 5급(승진) 기출이 2024.05.25 조회수 80
  7. 2024 법원직 5급 승진시험 민사집행법 문제 정답

    법원직 5급(승진) 기출이 2024.05.25 조회수 20
  8. 2024 법원직 5급 승진시험 형사법 문제 정답

    법원직 5급(승진) 기출이 2024.05.25 조회수 262
  9. 2024 국회직 8급 경제학 문제 정답 +2

    국회직 8급 기출이 2024.05.07 조회수 891
  10. 2024 국회직 8급 국어 문제 정답 +6

    국회직 8급 기출이 2024.05.07 조회수 2509
  11. 2024 국회직 8급 영어 문제 해설 +4

    국회직 8급 기출이 2024.05.07 조회수 2055
  12. 2024 국회직 8급 행정법 문제 해설 +13

    국회직 8급 기출이 2024.05.07 조회수 4440
  13. 2024 국회직 8급 행정학 문제 해설 +10

    국회직 8급 기출이 2024.05.07 조회수 3375
  14. 2024 국회직 8급 헌법 문제 정답 +3

    국회직 8급 기출이 2024.05.07 조회수 1737
  15. 2024 소방 경력채용 소방학개론 문제 정답

    소방 경채 기출이 2024.03.30 조회수 471
  16. 2024 소방 경력채용 컴퓨터일반 문제 정답

    소방 경채 기출이 2024.03.30 조회수 544
  17. 2024 소방 경력채용 화학개론 문제 정답

    소방 경채 기출이 2024.03.30 조회수 225
  18. 2024 소방 소방학개론 문제 정답

    소방 기출이 2024.03.30 조회수 1716
  19. 2024 소방 행정법총론 문제 해설 +9

    소방 기출이 2024.03.30 조회수 7852
  20. 2024 서울시 연구직 전과목 문제 정답 - 2024.2.24.

    서울시 연구직 기출이 2024.03.25 조회수 446
  21. 2024 서울시 연구직 문화사 문제 정답 +1

    서울시 연구직 기출이 2024.03.25 조회수 413
  22. 2024 서울시 연구직 미생물학 문제 정답

    서울시 연구직 기출이 2024.03.25 조회수 209
  23. 2024 서울시 연구직 보건학개론 문제 정답

    서울시 연구직 기출이 2024.03.25 조회수 230
  24. 2024 서울시 연구직 예방의학 문제 정답

    서울시 연구직 기출이 2024.03.25 조회수 139
  25. 2024 서울시 연구직 한국고고학 문제 정답

    서울시 연구직 기출이 2024.03.25 조회수 248
  26. 2024 서울시 연구직 한국문화사 문제 정답

    서울시 연구직 기출이 2024.03.25 조회수 427
  27. 2024 서울시 9급 전과목 문제 정답 (2월) - 2024.2.24.

    서울시 9급(2월) 기출이 2024.03.25 조회수 2328
  28. 2024 서울시 9급 건축계획 문제 정답 (2월)

    서울시 9급(2월) 기출이 2024.03.25 조회수 333
  29. 2024 서울시 9급 건축구조 문제 정답 (2월)

    서울시 9급(2월) 기출이 2024.03.25 조회수 348
  30. 2024 서울시 9급 국어 문제 정답 (2월) +3

    서울시 9급(2월) 기출이 2024.03.25 조회수 4818
  31. 2024 서울시 9급 기계일반 문제 정답 (2월)

    서울시 9급(2월) 기출이 2024.03.25 조회수 385
  32. 2024 서울시 9급 사회 문제 정답 (2월)

    서울시 9급(2월) 기출이 2024.03.25 조회수 1251
  33. 2024 서울시 9급 영어 문제 정답 (2월)

    서울시 9급(2월) 기출이 2024.03.25 조회수 3720
  34. 2024 서울시 9급 전기이론 문제 정답 (2월)

    서울시 9급(2월) 기출이 2024.03.25 조회수 409
  35. 2024 서울시 9급 한국사 문제 해설 (2월) +3

    서울시 9급(2월) 기출이 2024.03.25 조회수 6017
  36. 2024 국회직 5급 상황판단영역 문제 정답

    국회직 5급 기출이 2024.03.23 조회수 457
  37. 2024 국회직 5급 언어논리영역 문제 정답

    국회직 5급 기출이 2024.03.23 조회수 719
  38. 2024 국회직 5급 자료해석영역 문제 정답

    국회직 5급 기출이 2024.03.23 조회수 292
  39. 2024 국회직 5급 헌법 문제 정답

    국회직 5급 기출이 2024.03.23 조회수 2207
  40. 2024 국가직 9급 전과목 문제 정답 - 2024.3.23.

    국가직 9급 기출이 2024.03.23 조회수 13706
  41. 2024 국가직 9급 건축계획 문제 정답

    국가직 9급 기출이 2024.03.23 조회수 786
  42. 2024 국가직 9급 건축구조 문제 정답

    국가직 9급 기출이 2024.03.23 조회수 755
  43. 2024 국가직 9급 경제학개론 문제 정답 +2

    국가직 9급 기출이 2024.03.23 조회수 1044
  44. 2024 국가직 9급 공업화학 문제 정답

    국가직 9급 기출이 2024.03.23 조회수 245
  45. 2024 국가직 9급 공직선거법 문제 정답

    국가직 9급 기출이 2024.03.23 조회수 268
  46. 2024 국가직 9급 관세법개론 문제 정답

    국가직 9급 기출이 2024.03.23 조회수 383
  47. 2024 국가직 9급 교육학개론 문제 해설 +5

    국가직 9급 기출이 2024.03.23 조회수 5996
  48. 2024 국가직 9급 교정학개론 문제 정답

    국가직 9급 기출이 2024.03.23 조회수 1891
  49. 2024 국가직 9급 국어 문제 해설 +6

    국가직 9급 기출이 2024.03.23 조회수 18977
  50. 2024 국가직 9급 국제법개론 문제 정답 +1

    국가직 9급 기출이 2024.03.23 조회수 445
  51. 2024 국가직 9급 기계설계 문제 정답

    국가직 9급 기출이 2024.03.23 조회수 543
  52. 2024 국가직 9급 기계일반 문제 정답

    국가직 9급 기출이 2024.03.23 조회수 505
  53. 2024 국가직 9급 네트워크보안 문제 정답

    국가직 9급 기출이 2024.03.23 조회수 369
Board Pagination 1 2 3
/ 3
글쓰기 다크모드
2024년 05월 10일(금)
답은 없어요. 10개년 벗어난 거 푸는 경우도 있고 안 쪽으로 푸는 경우도 있고 기출인데 벗어나서 내는 경우도 있어서 (오후 17:56)
한국사 지역교행풀어바라
문제 ㅆㅅㅌㅊ (오후 19:29)
안녕하세요 대통령 윤석열입니다. 건전재정 기조에 따라 내년 공무원 선발인원을 (오후 21:00)
내일 부천도시공사 행정직 화이팅
로또 1등 나야나 (오후 21:24)
자자 (오후 23:21)
2024년 05월 11일(토)
존아침 (오전 08:50)
지방직 씹어먹어 줄게 (오전 09:18)
국회 행정학 52점 시부럴
왤캐 다 틀리냐 (오전 09:38)
합격을 위해서 난 노래하리
세상 가장 행복한 로또1등 (오전 11:02)
ㄷㅎㅇ (오후 12:15)
국회직 8급 왜케 어렵냐,, (오후 16:52)
그것이 국회직 8급이니까 (오후 22:11)
굿밤 (오후 23:24)
2024년 05월 12일(일)
ㅇㅇ (오후 12:06)
굶무원은 하지 마세유.. 면직자입니다... (오후 12:24)
오늘자 모고 95 100 95 지방직 씹어줄게 (오후 12:48)
오늘자 모고 50 55 35 살려줘ㅠㅠ (오후 17:09)
국8 현장점수 헌행행경 68 72 80 84 국7 가능할까요 (오후 18:48)
다들 오늘 하루는 어떠셧나요? (오후 22:14)
주말이 벌써 다가다니... (오후 23:03)
2024년 05월 13일(월)
합격을 위해서 난 노래하리
세상 가장 행복한 청렴의무 (오전 08:42)
지방직 씹어먹을게 (오전 09:50)
좋은 아침 (오전 09:56)
ㅎㅇ (오후 15:56)
ㅂㅇ (오후 21:46)
2024년 05월 14일(화)
비질게~ (오전 02:04)
DDC (오전 08:57)
합격을 위해서 난 노래하리
세상 가장 행복한 증원결정 (오후 12:29)
한수원 면접 준비 중인데 머리가 텅텅이다 하..
기업에 대해 아는게 없네ㅠ (오후 14:53)
노래를 위해서 난 합격하리
세상 가장 행복한 쿼드라킬 (오후 19:11)
(오후 21:48)
2024년 05월 15일(수)
한수원 지린다 직렬 뭐야? (오전 10:09)
합격을 위해서 난 노래하리
세상 가장 행복한 직렬고민 (오후 13:17)
ㅎㅇ (오후 19:36)
2024년 05월 16일(목)
ㅎㅇ (오전 00:58)
ddc (오전 09:51)
굿모닝 (오전 09:59)
ㅁㅁ (오후 14:49)
와우 소리질러
하라는 공부는 안하고 채팅이나 하고 말이야!!! 너무 재밌어 (오후 14:51)
ㅋㅋㅋ (오후 16:25)
공부하기 싫네 (오후 20:00)
전두길 아는 사람 (오후 22:45)
? (오후 23:53)
2024년 05월 17일(금)
이런 기능이 있었네
(오전 00:43)
공부 그만하고 자자 (오전 03:42)
모두 일어나세용 (오전 05:40)
ㅎㅇㅎㅇ (오전 05:42)
ㅎㅇ (오전 10:23)
아잇 깜짝아
ㅗ출그만해 (오전 10:26)
😎 (오전 10:28)
Ddc (오후 12:28)
헬로 (오후 13:17)
오늘자 모고 85 95 100 국어 실수 오졌다 ㅠ (오후 15:00)
부럽 (오후 15:00)
지방직 한달 남았누 ㅋㅋㅋ (오후 16:32)
지방직 한달 남앗네
미치겟다 (오후 16:46)
올해 막차아님? (오후 16:48)
내년부턴 국어 영어 바뀌니깐
막차 맞지.. (오후 16:49)
파이팅 (오후 16:57)
한달만 힘내자 아자 (오후 16:57)
소방준비하는분없낭 (오후 20:37)
사법고시 부활해라 (오후 20:40)
파이팅 (오후 21:08)
집가자 (오후 21:43)
공시 찎먹하는데 쉽지않네 (오후 22:07)
22년에도 막차 23년에도 막차 올해도 막차 ㅋㅋ 대체 막차 아닌 적이 언제누 (오후 22:46)
이번 시험떨어지면 호주 워홀가서 오렌지나따야지 (오후 22:53)
가자집 (오후 22:57)
2024년 05월 18일(토)
집 가고 싶다 (오전 09:06)
오늘자 모고 85 80 80 ㅈㅎㄱ 너무어렵네
개망이네 오늘 (오전 10:40)

지방직 붙고 싶다 (오전 10:57)
점심은 공화춘 (오전 11:57)
(오후 12:21)
(오후 12:25)
먹자밥 (오후 12:28)
. (오후 12:35)
힘내쇼 (오후 15:50)
아무도 없나요 (오후 16:32)
여기 있네요 (오후 16:36)
5주 남앗다 (오후 17:45)
모의고사 어디서 품? (오후 19:47)
독서실에서 (오후 19:49)
아 외롭다 (오후 21:06)
다들 외로우심?
시험 끝나고 합격증들고 헌팅 ㄱㄱ (오후 22:46)
2024년 05월 19일(일)
코인 불장 언제옴? (오전 05:09)
Ddc (오전 10:37)
합격장들고 헌팅 ㅇㅈㄹㅋㅋ (오후 15:06)
여기 주필야면하는사람? (오후 17:16)
들어가서 좋은 사람한테 소개시켜달라고 해... 뭘 헌팅이야 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ (오후 18:13)
2024년 05월 20일(월)
ddc (오전 08:51)
ㅎㅇ (오후 16:18)
. (오후 20:33)
와 나 공부하는데 너무 몰입해서 국7 원서접수 놓침;; (오후 22:08)
2024년 05월 21일(화)
합격을 위해서 난 노래하리
세상 가장 행복한 낮잠시간 (오전 08:48)
다음 기회에... (오전 08:49)
Ddc (오전 10:03)
ㄱㄱㄱㄱ (오전 10:04)
굿모닝 (오전 10:33)
굿모닝 (오후 15:50)
아무도 없는감 (오후 16:53)
(오후 16:59)
아 국어 마춤뻡 왤케 어렵 (오후 19:59)
나이스 (오후 20:03)
2024년 05월 22일(수)
자자 (오전 03:13)
공부하는 사람~~ (오전 09:50)
Ddc (오전 10:24)
굿모닝 (오전 10:41)
30 (오후 20:41)
할수있다 아자아자 (오후 21:34)
2024년 05월 23일(목)
굿밤 (오전 01:22)
Ddc (오전 10:07)
낮잠 때리자 (오후 13:47)
할수있다 아자 (오후 19:42)
2024년 05월 24일(금)
굿밤 (오전 01:29)
오늘자 모고 60 95 90 ㅋㅋ 한국인 아닌듯 (오후 15:07)
(오후 16:04)
힘내자 (오후 17:05)
5/24 (오후 19:19)
너네 영어단어 국회직8급까지도 다 봄? (오후 20:36)
2024년 05월 25일(토)
즐주말 (오전 09:20)
오늘자 모고 65 90 90 국어 난이도 ㄹㅈㄷ (오전 10:48)
65는 국어고 90은 뭐임?
지방직 붙자 (오후 14:35)
영어90 국가직 국어 100점 맞았음 ㅋㅋ (오후 15:26)
뜌땨뜌땨 지방직 고수가 될거야 (오후 20:15)
국가직 면접 다음주다 떨린다 (오후 23:04)
파이팅 (오후 23:30)
2024년 05월 26일(일)
굿모닝 (오전 08:25)
💪 (오전 10:40)
Ddc (오전 10:42)
ddc가 뭐임? (오후 12:28)
동두천 (오후 12:29)
동두천 삶? (오후 12:31)
2024년 05월 27일(월)
Let’s go (오전 10:09)
아 졸려 (오후 14:39)

식사 ㄱㄱ (오후 18:47)
합격을 위해서 난 노래하리 (오후 19:41)
부따딱 (오후 19:42)
지방직 45:1 씹어먹어줄게 (오후 20:06)
나는 킹왕짱
ㅈ밥 34명을 제외한 나는 수석 합격 (오후 20:16)
지방직 2:1 씹어먹어줄게 (오후 20:41)
2:1은 어디동네임? (오후 20:46)
지방직 과면합 씹어먹어줄게 (오후 22:43)
국가직 면접 곧이다 후후 (오후 22:50)
이개씨발광고허용은자꾸쳐뜨네 (오후 23:20)
2024년 05월 28일(화)
(오전 03:28)
와 ** 3주남앗다 ㅠㅠ
하 22년에 떨어진게 한이다
엄청뽑아줫을때 떨어지니 눈떠보니 삼시가 됨 ㅠ (오전 09:54)
😂 (오전 10:11)
하이 방가루 (오전 10:51)
노래를 위해서 난 합격하리
세상 가장 행복한 만루홈런 (오후 14:10)
ㅇㅈ 뭐든 저점매수하는거 알제??
공무원 최저점까지 갓으니 빨리 매수 가즈아
스터디카페주변을 봐도 공무원공부 하는 사람 이제 찾기 힘들다
다 세무사 허ㅣ계사한나 (오후 15:51)
한달도 안남았다
이번에 붙자 (오후 16:20)
왠최저점 (오후 16:25)
님들 합격하면 연애할거임? (오후 16:29)
연애는 합격이랑 상관없이
근데 이왕이면 합격하고 하자 ㅇㅇ.. (오후 16:31)
다들 어느지역으로 봄? (오후 16:31)
전 경기도 보는데
님은 어디 봄 (오후 16:31)
서울 (오후 16:31)
서울 작년에
컷 몇임? (오후 16:31)
91요 (오후 16:31)
뽑는 수는
늘엇나요 (오후 16:31)
올해는 줄은
456 (오후 16:32)
그럼 (오후 16:32)
오징어게임임 (오후 16:32)
더 많이
받으셔야겟네요 (오후 16:32)
비슷할긋여 (오후 16:32)
(오후 16:32)
목표는 94점익,ㄴ함 (오후 16:32)
94점 정도 받으면
합격각 ㅇㅇ (오후 16:32)
남자라 양평도 뜰테니 (오후 16:32)
여유잇게 합격하려면
평균보단 좀 많이 높아야죠 (오후 16:33)
91-2 합할듯요
그쵸 (오후 16:33)
전 수원 보는데
환장하겟네요 (오후 16:33)
수원 미쳣덭엩7
고양이랑 (오후 16:33)
93 EMa
(오후 16:33)
고양 경쟁률 ** (오후 16:33)
몰겟네요 (오후 16:33)
ㄹㅇ? (오후 16:33)
40명 뽑다가
올해 80명
뽑네요 (오후 16:33)
경기도는 근데 복줄복이리
원서운도 크져 (오후 16:34)
이번에 더 뽑아서
더 몰렷을 듯 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ (오후 16:34)
안양이 은근 꿀임 (오후 16:34)
몇명뽑아요? (오후 16:34)
ㅁㄹ여 (오후 16:34)
안양은 좀 멀어서
거시기하네요 (오후 16:34)
Uj님은 남자임여? (오후 16:34)
(오후 16:34)
양평 바라시죠 (오후 16:34)
아 근데
거기 살아야돼서
좀 그럼 (오후 16:35)
ㅎㅇ (오후 16:35)
ㄴㄴ 양성평등쵸 (오후 16:35)
지역제한 잇잖아요 (오후 16:35)
ㅎㅇ (오후 16:35)
가평도 생각해봣는데 가평도
지역제한 잇더라구요 (오후 16:35)
남자는-1점 덩 받아도
(오후 16:35)
근데 양평이
잘 떠야 그렇죠
솔직히 운임 (오후 16:35)
수원정도몀 뜨지 않을까요
운은 ㅇㅈ (오후 16:35)
솔직히 양평은
고려안하고 하는게
맞는듯 (오후 16:36)
티오 개박살낸거 (오후 16:36)
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 너무 운빨임 (오후 16:36)
생각할루촉빡치네 (오후 16:36)
지방직은 계속 (오후 16:36)
초시때 서울 1391명 (오후 16:36)
인원 줄어들 텐데
이번에 더 뽑을 때 (오후 16:36)
뽀1앗는데 ㅡㅡ (오후 16:36)
계속 줄이는 추세에요 (오후 16:36)
그걸 왜 신입에게만 (오후 16:36)
빨리 붙어야함 지방직은ㅋㅋㅋㅋ (오후 16:36)
하는지 노이해라 그럴져 (오후 16:37)
작은 정부 추구해서
그렇져 뭐 (오후 16:37)
(오후 16:37)
전 정권은 진보라서
많이 뽑고 ㅋㅋ (오후 16:37)
2030남자편은 아무도없구나 (오후 16:37)
별수없음 (오후 16:37)
전 공무되면
국결하려고요 (오후 16:38)
국결이 뭐에요? (오후 16:38)
국제결혼요 (오후 16:38)

갑자기요? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ (오후 16:38)
원래 목표엿죠
공무원 월급으론 (오후 16:38)
어느나라 (오후 16:38)
턱없으니 ㅠ (오후 16:38)
생각하시는지요 (오후 16:38)
서양이면 좋죠 (오후 16:38)
서양 힘들지 않나요 (오후 16:38)
영어권 (오후 16:38)
돈 많이 들거같은데 (오후 16:39)
한류 붐 올라왓을때
얼른 결혼해야져
ㅠㅠ (오후 16:39)
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ (오후 16:39)
세상은 다 운이죠
제 친구 지잡나왓고 (오후 16:39)
운도 필요하죠 살면서 (오후 16:39)
서양여자랑 결혼함여 (오후 16:39)
근데 소통하기
힘들지않나요 (오후 16:40)
어찌어찌 다 하더라고여 (오후 16:40)
하긴 요즘은
잘돼잇잖아요 (오후 16:40)
네네 (오후 16:40)
국결도 중요하지만
일단 시험부터
붙어봅시다 ㅇㅇ.. (오후 16:41)
3주남앗네요 (오후 16:41)
이제 한달도 안남아서 그런지
슬슬 긴장감 올라옴 (오후 16:41)
ㅇㅈ (오후 16:41)
작년 난이도 정도로
나오면 좋겟네요 (오후 16:41)
재시생이세요? (오후 16:41)
작년에 89점 받고
떨어졋어요 (오후 16:42)
헐 ** (오후 16:42)
수원이 필합이 (오후 16:42)
저랑 같은점수 ㅋㅋㅋ (오후 16:42)
91점 떠서 ㅋㅋ
솔직히 (오후 16:42)
저도 작년 서울 90 ㅋㅋ (오후 16:42)
붙을줄 알앗음.. (오후 16:42)
저도요 (오후 16:42)
서울 90도
91인데 ㅋㅋ (오후 16:42)
전 89요 (오후 16:42)

그래요? (오후 16:42)

국가직은 잘나오심요? (오후 16:43)
올해 국가직은 (오후 16:43)
전 국가직 망함 (오후 16:43)
포기.. (오후 16:43)
행학 70 ** (오후 16:43)
근데 저도
아니긴함 (오후 16:43)
후.. (오후 16:43)
지방직이 작년에
좀 쉽게 나와서
이번에는 그냥
고득점해야될듯 (오후 16:44)
ㄹㅇ (오후 16:44)
이제 90점도 안나오면
그냥 안하는게 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ (오후 16:44)
수원 경쟁률
몇임요? (오후 16:44)
아직 안봣는데
작년이랑 비슷할거같아요 (오후 16:44)
비슷요 (오후 16:45)
뽑는수는 늘긴 햇는데
그만큼 더 몰렷을 듯요
큰차이는 없을듯? (오후 16:45)
해도해도 까먹고
미치겟네여 (오후 16:46)
좀 쉬웟음 (오후 16:46)
ㅇㅈ (오후 16:46)
저 95나옴
하나 아쉽게 틀림 ㅋㅋ
행법도 90 나오고.. (오후 16:47)
행정학 누구들으심여? (오후 16:47)
저 독학이라..
책만 사서 공부햇어요 (오후 16:47)
기출만 푸세요? (오후 16:47)

기출에 모의고사요
이번에도 작년처럼 쉬우면
다맞아야죠 ㅎㅎ (오후 16:47)
수험생님 지방직시험날에더
채팅힙시다 오세요 (오후 16:48)
그래야죠 ㅋㅋㅋ
근데 알아보실라나 (오후 16:48)
같이 합격하시져
수원89라 해주세여 (오후 16:48)

그럼 님은
서울89? (오후 16:48)
ㅇㅋ (오후 16:48)
수원시 경쟁률
18대1 (오후 16:49)

서울보다 낮ㄴ
(오후 16:49)
1400명 몰림
작년보단 낮게 나왓네요 (오후 16:49)
님들 혹시 시험장에서 시험볼 때 다리 떠는 사람 근처에서 시험본 분 계신가요 (오후 19:11)
평소 독서실이면몰라도 시험장 빌런은 눈에안들어올거같은데 (오후 19:14)
오그러쿤여 초시생이라 시험볼 때 거슬리지 않을까해서요 (오후 19:15)
전두길 아시는분 (오후 19:15)
ㅅ ㅂ 졸리니
인생을 걸라고 햇지 (오후 19:16)
농업직 전두길 모르시나용 (오후 19:16)
아 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 몰라요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ (오후 19:16)
떠든놈 나와
엎드려뻗쳐 (오후 20:38)
군무원 7급 준비하시는 분? (오후 21:24)
** 필기 합격 해놓고 여길 또오네....
어차피 면접에서 미흡뜨는데 시험 왜**...
공시 또보기 진짜싫다 필합하면 뭐하냐고 ***들이 공채에서 경력 없다고 물어보는건 뭔 개짓거리인데
공무원이건 나발이건 때려치고 싶은데 다른데 갈데가 없어서 답이없네
기술이 숙련되면 외국어잘하니깐 탈조선을 하지 이딴걸 왜시험봐 (오후 21:41)
와 나
시바 작년에

개 ㅈ같은새기
븅 신같은련 생긴것도 진짜 ㅈ같이 생겼었는데 (오후 23:45)
2024년 05월 29일(수)
그정도는참아야지 니실력부족 (오전 01:05)
ㄴㄴ 나도 저번에 그래서 이번에 감독관에 얘기할거임
다리떠는새긲들 다ㅓ 족쳐야되 (오전 06:30)
국가직 0.05 배수 등장 (오전 09:13)
아 다리떠는 빌런 수능 때 겪어봣어서
저는 진심 트라우마가 그때 생김 (오전 09:55)
애들아 공부해라 (오전 10:08)
. (오전 10:32)
공부하기 싫다 (오전 10:50)
(오전 10:54)
근데 진짜 궁금해서 그런데
시험 볼 때 시험지만 보는데 다리 떠는 게 보이나요 (오전 11:04)
핑계죠 걍 9급시험에무슨 1분당1문제인데
다리떠는것보다 자기인생떠는거 걱정해야할듯 (오전 11:36)
라임 좀 치시네 (오전 11:37)
응애~ (오후 12:15)
환경에 예민한 사람들은 (오후 13:39)
정보보호론에서 법관련은 걍 찍는거임? 조항 하나하나 어캐 품,,
딱히 기출 반복되는것도 아닌거같은데 (오후 13:59)
물어볼게 있는데요 꼭 단권화 등 흔히 합격생들이 말한대로 공부해야 합격하나요? (오후 14:08)
능력없고 갈데없어서 공시판 뛰어드는건데 경력채용도 아니고 경력없다고 떨구는건 뭐임?ㅋㅋㅋ (오후 15:09)
? (오후 15:16)
24일밖에 안 남았는데 여기서 이러지 말고 열심히 공부합시다. (오후 15:19)
지방직 24일이나 남았누
근데 공채에서 경력 없다고 미흡주나요? (오후 16:00)
🎂 (오후 16:05)
🎂 (오후 16:06)
시험 5달 가량 남았네.. (오후 16:11)
뭔 시험인데 5달이 남음? (오후 16:11)
아니 메가 모고 공통은 겁나 잘나왓네 ㅋㅋㅋ
전공이 조금 낮긴한데
아 갑자기 공부가 안된다 (오후 16:13)
5달 남은 건 지방직 7급밖에 없는데.. (오후 16:14)
워후 지7
이번엔 지9 붙자
경기 지역 보는 사람 없나 (오후 16:16)
? (오후 16:40)
이번주 토요일에 퀴어퍼레이드 가실분 (오후 17:02)
(오후 17:12)
행정사 ㅇㄸ (오후 18:42)
👍 (오후 19:24)
전두길 아시는분
작년에 여기서 재밌었는데 (오후 19:50)
  최근 해설
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전체 해설
2024 체크업 해양수산부 청원경찰 ALL PASS 과목별 이론정리+실전모의고사22,500원
출간일: 2024.05.30
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